Should You Improve or Move?

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It’s a common question that many homeowners will be faced with. Ready for a change, is it best to pack up and move house or should you be looking to improve the home you already live in? 

Both options come with their upsides and downsides. Moving house provides you with a fresh start, something new, an adventure but the drawback is the cost and you run the risk of never truly settling into your new environment. With home improvement, it allows you to stay in a home you love and keeps the costs lower than if you were moving home. But will improving your home be enough? You also have to consider that with the available space and layout of your home, you may be limited to how much work you can do. 

To be able to answer the title question, let’s discuss the top reasons people move house and then hear about how you can improve your home with these construction methods. 

Reasons to Move House

So, what are some of those top reasons that people move house? We’ve put together three common reasons why a person may decide to move house. 

Lack Of Space

Perhaps, the main reason people decide to move house is that they simply have outgrown their home. What used to be enough space is just not cutting it any longer. 

Often the case is that what worked for two adult inhabitants, no longer works when those two inhabitants become parents with children who will require their own bedrooms and ample space. 

Fallen Out Of Love

Sadly, people falling out of love with their homes is a common issue. It can be caused by a whole host of reasons: the location your property is situated changing, dated décor and layout, noisy neighbours, not enough space, dingy exterior or interior and so on. 

Sometimes, it’s just time for a change and that is more than enough reason to want to move house. 

Empty Nest

Like when children are brought into the family can sometimes cause people to move house, the same can be said for when the children eventually grow up and fly the nest. 

Suddenly, you and your partner are left with a large house with plenty of bedrooms that are now going unused, so the thought is to sell and purchase a new, smaller property. 

Home Improvement

The reason we chose to cover those specific reasons people move house is because they are, not only, reasons to consider moving but they are also reasons you should be looking into improving your home instead. 

How To Improve Your Home Instead


Talk about a life-saving home improvement method. Adding an extension to your home, whether it may be single or double-storey, can be just the resolution you need to improve your home life. 

An extension can add space, make you fall back in love with your home and create an amazing, bespoke space that makes your home unique. 

Loft Conversion

Much like the extension, converting your loft has become an immensely popular choice for homeowners in recent years. The great thing with a loft conversion is that you are using up all of your home’s available space to make it that much better. 

Add that extra sprinkling of space, create a brand new office space or even a bedroom with a loft conversion. 


There’s no better way to revamp and refresh your home than with a renovation. With this, your whole home can be made new or just one or two rooms that you may have fallen out of love with. 

Change up your home, turn unused rooms into new ones and knock down walls to create a more open plan style of living. 

Final Thoughts

Sometimes, it may be the case that moving house is the best option and no promise of what a home improvement method can do will sway you. 

Though, you shouldn’t be too quick to dismiss home improvement. At Bespoke Construction Group, we have the team, equipment, skill, experience and knowledge to provide you with that missing piece to help you fall back in love with your home. 

For more information on home improvement or to enquire, please feel free to get in touch and a member of our team will be happy to assist you.

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