Do You Need Planning Permission for a Single-Storey Extension?

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Before making the decision to move to a bigger house when the time calls for you to do so, why not try another solution? Extending your property could be a cheaper alternative; it also allows you to stay put in a home and area you feel comfortable in.

As well as creating more space, home extensions have the bonus of adding value to your property. So, if/when you get to the point of wanting to sell your property, the value of your home will have gone up, thanks to your quality installed extension. You could see an added value of around 5-8% for your property.

What puts many people off is gaining the proper planning permission for an extension. But do you actually need planning permission for a single-storey extension to be added to your home? Let’s talk about it. 

Planning Permission or Permitted Development Rights

Permitted development rights allow you to perform different types of work on your home without having to apply for planning permission. Which makes building an extension without planning permission possible.

The catch is that to perform work under permitted development rights, you have to meet certain guidelines and abide by requirements.

You can create a side extension or rear extension onto your property if:

  • You use similar materials to the existing dwelling
  • Your extension takes up less than 50% of the land around the existing dwelling
  • The extension is less than 4m in height
  • Its eaves and ridges are not taller than the existing dwelling
  • Rear extensions must not extend beyond the rear wall of the existing dwelling by 3m for an attached house or 4m for a detached house
  • Side extensions must take up less than 50% of the width of the existing dwelling

These permitted development extension guidelines also apply to timber frame extensions, but remember, materials must be similar to the existing dwelling.

It can be tricky to stay on top of all the requirements that come with permitted development rights. So, seeking advice from a professional could help you immensely. Here at Bespoke Construction Group, we have the right people on hand to help you achieve your extension dreams. 

Restrictions Under Permitted Development Rights

Unfortunately, there will be some properties that will not be able to fall under these rights.

Flats and maisonettes are excluded from benefiting from permitted development rights, as well as houses that are located within a conservation area, the Norfolk and Suffolk broads, areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty or World Heritage Sites.

Listed buildings (buildings of special architectural or historic interest) may require other permissions. 

Final Thoughts 

Single-storey extensions allow you to create more room in the house you love; they can introduce you to a more open-plan living style. Transform your kitchen into a kitchen dining room or incorporate a cosy nook into your bedroom.

Bespoke Construction Group is comprised of the best contractors, architects and project managers in the business, who are all committed to providing the absolute best service and results for their clients.

Please, feel free to get in touch with us today to discuss single-storey extensions.

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